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Retreat of 8 Nyung-Nays

Actual timezone:
Retreat at Plouray
26.05.2025 18:00 - 12.06.2025 11:00


1000 armed Chenrezig
Start: Monday, May 26 at 6:00 p.m.
Concluding session: Thursday, June 12 at 9:30 a.m. Chenrezig practice and Tsok offering
Directed by Drubpön Ngawang Tenzin

NYUNG-NAY is a powerful purifi cation practice based on universal compassion, to which we can link ourselves by invoking the one-thousand armed Chenrezi form, and on the observance of temporary fasting and silence vows. This practice, accompanied by numerous prostrations, prayers and mantra recitations, lasts for two entire days and can be renewed: partial fasting on the first day (Nyay-Nay), complete fasting and silence on the second day(Nyung-Nay).

Drukpa Plouray - Congregation Pel Drukpay Tcheutsok - European headquarters of the Drukpa lineage - Drukpa Plouray - Bel Avenir - 56770 Plouray – France

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